Message for patients with depression
Andreja: »Hello, Creator. It's me again. There are so many more topics we need to discuss. My daughter Nastja has given me a long list of them. J«
Creator: »Well, I told you, Nastja is the right way, she knows how to show you directions and she helps you, so that it's not all up to you. Isn't it easier this way? And working with such a wonderful kid, isn't that great?«
Andreja: »Yes, it's true. I don't know if I would have all this strength to deal with all this if she wasn't there.«
Creator: »Yes, I know. That's why I told you this. She will be the rock, the support on which we will build. Yes, it's true, and you will be the foundation. Tell me, what would you like to talk about, what do you want me to explain?«
Andreja: »I was thinking of inviting people who suffer from depression. What do you think? Could you explain why this is happening to them? Can I invite them to join our conversation?«
Creator: »Of course. This is a disease of our modern times. Let's discuss it!«
People suffering from depression: »O, hello Creator. Shall we have a little talk, too? You know, in this world there are so many experts, all trained for conversations that can take hours and hours but it mostly doesn't help. And then there are »pills«, they too, are the necessary evil which helps us to be at least willing to live. Well, I don't know what to ask you exactly. Usually doctors ask us. Tell us why this is happening to us? Why did we deserve such a life? I know, it is all within us, it is all our fault. But we would like to get out of this, we would like to enjoy life. Our lives are empty. Tell us, help us if you have any answers for us?«
Creator: »Yes, of course I have them. I have answers for all of you on earth. But the fact is that you don't listen or don't practice – you don't take my answers into account. Only if you put them into practice, will your life change. It is not enough just to read them. You need to learn how to live properly from them, so that your life can change.
Well, let me clarify what depression means. Due to depression you can't sleep well, you don't eat well, you have no appetite, you are always irritable, your life takes just the opposite direction from that which every living man on earth would wish for. WHY?
Because you want it this way. You are fed up with people – with other people that surround you and with yourself, fed up with feeling powerless about yourself. Do you know what that means? You are a bit tired of living. And doctors and other people are pulling you back to earth, back to joy which you no longer notice. It is true that other people, including your doctor, want to help you but until you decide that you want to live, until you see that it is possible to live differently, nobody will be able to help you. Yes, doctors are ok but they cannot live your life. You have only one life, use it for the benefit of all! When you start giving more to others, when you open up for others, the light will shine into your world. Don't close yourself up between four walls, into your apartment, your room, there's no light there, you are alone there and there's no bright future. You are alone there and you don't have a chance of survival. Yes, you are social beings. You are beings that behave very well, but you create images of your life only to show them to the outside world.
How long have you been trying to hide from others that you suffer from depression? How long? But this fear is normal, only for your society this disposition is not acceptable. It means that you are weird, different, but you don't know that this could mean you can be magical. Yes, you can be magical. Your goodness is great, but you can't open yourself up. There's so much gentleness and divine grace in you, but you don't know how to share it. There is only one You, you are unique ... nobody can live your life. But everyone can help you, just be sincere. As soon as depression starts happening to you, talk to people, be honest, tell them everything. Talk about your horror, about your disapproval of your partner, about your suppressed anger and helplessness. You attract people who use your helplessness. Your problems, your condition give them power. Speak up, every friend and acquaintance can be your psychiatrist. Just allow it, open up quickly. Speak about your problems just as you speak about your work, money, parties ... Not everything in this world is okay. Everybody knows this.
Everyone carries their burdens and if you tell someone about your problems, his burden becomes lighter, too. Know that by talking you are also helping other people, not only yourself. Isn't this nice? Help each other. The world is made in such a simple way. Just be who you are, sincere with all your troubles, with all your problems. All will stand by your side. Nobody will despise you if you have a problem. You all have them and everyone thinks that his problems are the biggest. Even a pimple can be a problem, or the fact that someone you care for dies. All depends on your perception and how you view a situation. Help each other and a path will open, somewhere else than you expect. You cannot plan everything. If it were so, then you would not come to learn in this world. You would not learn anything if all went according to your plans. It is important though, that you radiate the right vibration. Everything in the universe is magnetic and what you send out you also receive. Everything! Therefore take care of your thoughts, words, actions and, above all, pay attention to your feelings. Feelings are those that tell you if you are on the right path... Can you feel it? What you feel in your guts is the source of your information. You have to feel good in your guts. Always notice if you feel good during a conversation or while you are thinking at work. Do you feel uneasy in your guts? This is it – it is the teacher which lets you know if you are on the right way. Feeling is much more important than thinking in your head. And your head is full, too full, I would say, of nonsense. You only see bad things and then you empower them.
It is true that many of you went through a difficult time in your life and that has made you fall. But I don't know if this is the problem you can refer to. You are your own problem. What happened to you is your past.
You forgot that you have to live in the present. The present is the only thing that exists in your life. Indeed, you have to accept your past, but that is behind you now. In the present you can change anything, complete things, try to understand. And above all, your duty is to take care of others, so that they feel well. If others around you feel well, you will feel well, too. You are incredibly capable. You know so much, you take life very seriously ... You are not that important and not everything is so important. Everything settles down, things fall into place if you try to calm down and look at your life with love. What you went through is behind you, look at it with love, as if it was an intense learning on the earth.
And if you are still in the situation which is not improving, then act on it, it is there for you, so that you could show your claws. L It's there so you can show you are the person who can take care of yourself, who doesn't need anyone to »take care of him«. Don't let yourself be submitted, don't get caught into the life of another, this is what often leads you in depression. In the end you adapt to another person to such a degree that you forget that your life exists. Are you afraid of it? Are you scared? Yes, you will still go through a lot if you don't take care of yourself. This is happening to you, so that you finally stand up for yourself. Life is beating you and it will keep beating you until you understand that you are the only one who is important for your life. You are responsible for your life and your actions. Why should anyone else dictate your life? You should love yourself enough not to allow this. Love yourself and live your life. You only have one life and it matters how you live it. The person who is using you will learn his lesson, too, and it will serve him well for his lie. You are the one that determines how far others may go with you. You set your boundaries and you have to set them!
Depression can be a consequence of stressful deaths or unbalanced children or just of overly abundant life ... There are so many possible reasons that I can't list all of them. But for sure, you are the only one to blame, only you are responsible for everything. You will have to pull yourself out of this by yourself. It's true that there are many therapists who seek within you for the things you should discover and understand by yourself. Only you live your life. And yes, you can also end it, when life feels too hard, when there is too much pressure. But I don't know if it makes sense to bring it all here to me and to deal with the same problems in the next life again. It's a bad start for the next life. Suffering is redemption means that when your suffering becomes unbearable, you will find a solution. Suffering is your choice and there can be pain, helplessness, but it's all up to you when you will stop this.
I love you. Bye.
People suffering from depression: »Oh, hey, this is just not enough. We don't understand. Where should we start? It is all easy for you, just talking is okay, we realised that long ago, but what to do to feel better, so that our depression doesn't drag us into despair to such a degree that it is very painful. And then you have no more power to fight with the outside world, too. Everything is too much for us. We can't cope anymore. What should those of us, who have no more power to stop this, do? What about us who suffer immense body aches, and our legs fail us, and we find no willingness to live? How to get out of this? Do you find it even meaningful that we still try? We went through so much and there is no solution and it is all repetitive. What should we do, should we hang ourselves, end our lives? And then start again? And while we stay with you, you will teach us something, so that we understand more easily and realise what to change in our next life.
Creator: » Yes, of course, you imagine this in a very simple way. I don't know how to explain it. I feel like swearing when I hear you would like to end your life which I, your Creator, your father, have given you. What do you think your family would feel like if you did this? How do you think I, your father, feel? No, this is not okay. Just calm down and think about it. Think about the others that you will leave behind. You think you are doing the right thing, but there are many who support you, who love you, even your psychiatrist will get negative points if you do this – another person who is dealing with you, okay for money, but still he cares about you. There are many people who love you. Including me, I love you very much. I'll try to help you by explaining how depression works.
It works very slowly, you never fall into depression directly. You always have little problems which grow as years pass by. You live in fear, in disapproval of society because you are too restrained, due to your fear, too insincere (fearing that someone might discover what horrible world you live in). Outwardly you all live an ideal life and who would dare to get exposed by saying: »My life is »fucked up«. Strange words, but I will be totally raw, so you can understand better.
You have to understand that it's not only you who has such a life that doesn't seem ok to you. It would be easier for all if you lived a sincere life. Life as it is, without masks. It would start to get better sooner. You feel a relief when you tell someone about things that weigh you down. Yes, it will be better when you talk about it, when you cry, when someone cries with you. What is painful for you, is painful for others, too. Your connections are incredibly strong, but you don't want to open up. You live in a lie. Stop it! Love yourself, help each other! You don't have friends? Go to a shop, talk to a vendor, go to church and talk to people, to a priest ... In short, join people and do it soon, immediately after you notice the first problems. And those of you, who are already almost ruined by depression, yes, you need medication. Your body can no longer carry your sad and stupid head. Go and talk about your problem, you will get medication to calm down, but this is not a crutch for life, it is only for your temporary strength, so that you'll be able to think again. So that your pain goes away. You will be apathetic, but you will live, and slowly your strength will return. When you regain your strength, start talking to people, talk a lot, talk to people, to children or to your husband, in short, to all who are part of your life. Don't commit a suicide! Life is only yours and it has immense value. You fail to appreciate it. Learn from other people. Relatives, of course, are good and bad, if any of them doesn't get you, withdraw yourself. It is not necessary that all the people you know are in your life. But it is very important that you listen, too. As I told you, others have problems, too, not just you. Learn from other people. If you just talk, you cannot learn from others and gain from different lessons. If you learn from the lessons of others, you will maybe not have to go through them yourself. You will have many teachers. Keep learning, it's worth it. Your family needs you. If you give up, you pull other people into this dreadful world of yours. Who will stay behind you? How much sorrow will you cause? Is this the way to leave the stage? Birth, marriage, death, funeral, it all happens in cycles, you know it, but it all happens at the right time. Just as you came, it is right to leave, too. Silently, without pomp. Live loudly, die quietly and peacefully. This is life. Love animals. A horse is a therapist which can help you immensely with your disease. Look in those eyes, that depth, that warmth and uncompromising loyalty to everyone. Learn from it. Lean your head on it. That warmth, that gentleness. Yes, animals, too, are great therapists. Bond with an animal, if you can't get in touch with a horse, buy a cat, a dog, some living being that will sit in your lap and be totally loyal to you. You need this. You need validation that somebody needs you very much, but so that he loves you just the way you are. So that it shows you love. You lacked love in your life.
But we are in the past again. Start looking for love, and when you are able to give it, even to a small animal, you will also get it. We have to share love without second thoughts. And it will arrive unannounced. Accept everything with understanding. I know, you are hungry for love. Your life is empty because of this. Go and give yourself away. You are just giving all the time, you will say. No, you just have to start giving, but not in a victim role. Because in this case, you will always be a victim. Give in such a way that it brings you joy for making others happy, because you enjoy it, because you feel good in your guts. As I said, listen to your guts and silence your head which keeps telling you that it is all so hard, hard, hard and that it will get harder. No, it is not hard and it won't get harder if YOU choose so. Animals, acceptance, giving and expressing your truth will reveal a path where you won't feel pain. This is a path of relief, it will get better every day. Yes, let a horse be your therapist. Yes, its vicinity – it is as an angel without wings, it runs and enjoys the countryside and it is incredibly playful. You will get infected, you will see. This is the energy I was telling you about, it is felt, you feel it in your body. Maybe this is the best start for you. Maybe you will find it easier to talk with an animal first, with a living being, which will not betray you, and which will not spread gossip about you. Because gossiping is something terrible in your world. When you tell your secret, it is as if you were naked in front of all, as if you dropped all your clothes. It is sad, you need to wear clothes to keep you warm, not to hide all your imperfections. Your house is there to keep you safe and protected from weather, from cold ... It is not meant to be used for terrorizing and manipulating each other, which is often hidden. Let nothing remain hidden. You are as you are, at least you are real. Dare to live your life. It is true that you will at first feel vulnerable. And there will be those who will use this to gossip about you, but be aware that they are just spreading some words. So what, let it be. After some time, you will feel free. You will enjoy and live your life fully. I love you, but above all, I tell you not to hurry to get on my side, you will have lots of time to stay with me – eons of time. Therefore create heaven on earth. Believe that it can be done!
Find inner peace, trust yourself and the world, and, above all, love your life. You are in this world for a reason. Use your purpose. When you feel better, you will find the path that is meant for you and many of you have the strength to find it. Also to realize why you went through all this. But it is behind you now. Now look into the bright future, at the rainbow, at nature and especially at animals. Stay in this world, it is not all meaningless. And of course, admire it, because it deserves it. There's incredible beauty in it. You have to notice this and be grateful for it. Yes, you need to find a lot of gratitude within you. Gratitude for all the goodness. There surely was some of it in your life. Then you will have a more beautiful life and even more situations to be grateful for. As long as you are in depression, don't watch tv, don't listen to the radio, and if you do, then watch some comedy and shows that will make you laugh. Read books that broaden your horizon, read about meditation, about cycles of life, about a man who will make this world a better place and about the bright future. Maybe this will be you, no, it will for sure be you, because you went through so much in life and you have a lot to tell to people and your stories will help others, as I told you. Those who will carefully listen to you, will spare themselves from many hardships because they will get understanding from your life experiences. It is all about understanding. Do you understand? Once you understand, your life changes. But you have to understand with love. And here we are, at love again. It is a foundation of humanity as I have told you so many times. Thank you for listening. I love you.«
People suffering from depression: »Thank you, Creator. I like this part about animals. Maybe I should really start from here. I can't start with people, I don't trust them enough, maybe I will truly find my way, the beginning of the right way with animals.
Yes, I love you, too. I often pray to you, but I don't hear the answer. So thank you very much for giving me all this time. Thank you.«
Creator: »It's ok, just enjoy your time on earth and, above all, love each other and cooperate, because then I know that I don't have to worry about you. You understand, don't you?«
People with depression: »Yes, of course, thank you. Hundred kisses from us.«
Andreja: »Thank you, Creator, I wish you all the best and I cross my fingers that they get it, understand it and that you have given them the chance to change their lives.«
Creator: »Yes, of course it will be different for everyone but if anyone still needs me, just tell me and we'll have a talk. I love you, Andreja.«
Andreja: »Yes, I know, THANK YOU, CREATOR!!!«
Avtor: Stvarnik-Univerzum
Komunikacija-povezava: Andreja