A message for people dealing with obesity
This communication is written down as it was transmitted to me in the conversation with the Creator regarding obesity. The following writing is intended to bring awareness about the potential aspects that might cause people to get caught in the vicious circle of obesity and it is in no way meant to invoke bad mood or guilt; the goal of this writing is to offer help in the process which should lead into satisfaction with one's own weight.
Andreja: »Please, tell everyone whose bodies are overweight, why that is so. The society doesn't accept them, they are ridiculed by those who surround them, they themselves feel unhappy. Can you help them? Can they ask you what to do to make their lives different?«
Creator/Universe: »Of course, you are welcome.«
Overweight people: »Hello, Creator. Andreja says that you can help us, that you can show us the way out of our nightmare. We are always dissatisfied within, we are always looking for some comfort but too often we are trying to find it in food. Our life is devoted to food, our altar is food. What should we do so that we could resist food or, in case of some of us, so that the disease would not add all these extra kilos to our weight?«
Creator/Universe: »The fact is that you will always be overweight until you understand that this is your life, that this is your body and, above all, that it is your choice to gain weight. Yes, it sounds nasty saying that you are guilty of everything. But that's how it is and only the truth can free you of these kilos. Don't be afraid of it. Kilos come because that is what you want. This is your defense from the outer world. The more kilos you have, the more you feel untouchable. Yes, you are untouchable, but not because of food, that's not the case, but because you have an armour around you. NO, NO! Make a strong person out of you, with peace in your soul. Now it is your turn, not the food's turn. No, food cannot help you, it can only kill you more. You are in a vicious circle, you need more food so that your armour is thicker and stronger but you are unhappy because of it. People around you find it strange that you stuff yourself with food and you try to defend yourself from these people. It's a strange circle – how to get out of it? How? With your help. Start thinking, direct your emotions elsewhere, don't use food to comfort yourself. You have to resolve your emotions and not flood them with food. Yes, you are dissatisfied but that doesn't mean that food is your saviour. It is not and there will only be more dissatisfaction within you. You know this, too, but you entered the vicious circle. Hmm, how can I explain this to you...
Think about it, resolve your emotions with other people, talk about your problems. You have many, I know, but they can be solved. Everything can be solved. These problems – when you look at them from a distance – are small in comparison with your weight while your weight is big. Change your emotional responses and, above all, love yourself, love your body which is infinitely beautiful, and be grateful to it for all it does for you, for your silly head which fills your body with junk. That extra food, which is not needed, is junk for the body, the worst kind it can get. Your body works to exhaustion, it accumulates toxins and eliminates them, so that you can still live but it won't be able to do this forever. Come to your senses and love it. Respect it, this is your altar. The altar from which you give life; the most beautiful gift to yourself. This is you, a garment for this life. It is true that your body will be recycled but as long as you are in it, respect it. You are its master, the master of countless cells and organs which work just for you and you forgot to be grateful. Yes, you will say that your organs had been ill already before your obesity problems started and that you began gaining weight later. How far will you go with your thoughts just to be right, to find an excuse for your actions? Your organs always get ill because of your head and then your head starts thinking of how to protect you with extra weight. Well, it was not your head that had been thinking, it was in your subconsciousness. In your head you would like to be beautiful, sexy and, above all, healthy, I know, everybody wants that.
But this is a process. What have you done to support it? You have always felt inner dissatisfaction, you are always complaining within. It doesn't matter how you appear outwardly, for the visible world, what matters is what you feel, what enrages you. You don't know what you want and what you have is not enough for you, you are dissatisfied, you want to lose weight but you fear the world. You hide your emotions under piles of food; leave the food alone, I have given you so many other things to bring you joy. Lift up your head and see what is waiting for you outside, in the meadows, in the woods: animals, happiness, rainbows, people's laughter... Let your smile be sincere, not because this suits other people. Find yourself. You lost yourself. Don't let yourself be taken. You are something unique, inimitable. Only you own this body, it is only in your domain and it is invaluable. Be aware of that and respect it.
How to lose weight? You are trying to lose it in different ways, well, it doesn't matter, in your head you listen to the pain of obesity. Deal with your problems so that you solve them and don't stuff them with food. Let go of appetizers. I gave you food to survive, to live, not to abuse it to feel good temporarily. How will you feel 10 minutes after the meal? You feel like vomiting because you ate too much again. You have a bad conscience. How wouldn't you as you are making a fool of your body. I know you have your problems. But don't solve them with food, tobacco and alcohol, these things should only be a small addition which you can have otherwise it is a nonsense which you use to waste your life. I am really not happy to see what you are doing to your bodies. The body is your altar, as I already said, from which you give all the good. If there is no good in it, such an offering cannot be good, beautiful and, above all, pure. You know this well but every day you find an excuse to go to the refrigerator and empty it mercilessly. STOP IT!
It is your choice to stop it, of course. Be reasonable, this is the only possession you truly have, which is always with you, with your soul. It is true that it is only borrowed for this lifetime but you have it and with it you have life. Do you want to renounce life? Be careful, your body gives you this life here. I know, you will say, I am trying, and I am losing weight and eat nothing, but I just look at food and I get fat. But do you really eat nothing? Yes, I know, the body is made for clever people, not for people who abuse it. Who could predict such stupid things that you do? First you eat, eat, eat and then, just overnight, you don't give it anything. In its helplessness and anger the body decides that it must store reserves because your head doesn't work for its best, so it will have to take care on its own to have a chance to survive. God knows when you will attack it with a diet again. Stop dieting.
Eat everything but in small quantities, with pleasure and gratitude. Above all, with gratitude. Food is a living thing and it responds to your thoughts. Eat it in peace, don't eat with a guilty conscience, eat with love for food which is offering itself to you, but don't exaggerate. Eat small quantities, talk to each other, eat in a good atmosphere where you are content and happy. Try to eat in a state of contentment, while chatting with others.... You know that your body knows that the food will benefit itself and all its organs, that it will be their cure and energy. Yes, you need energy, of course, don't take it from the body. Energy for your life, that sounds nice. All this energy which I have given you is also in the food, in the air, in the water, it is EVERYWHERE. Just enjoy it, don't command your body to lose weight and don't be angry with it all the time, it can't function if you keep being angry with it. If you have already gained extra kilos, continue to step down the staircase of weight slowly. Learn how to love food, just as you learn to love people. Believe in people, they are good and willing to help. They don't judge you as you think. You judge yourself, always, and too severely. Who could love you more than you can love yourself? Love yourself and miracles will happen.«
Overweight people: »Well, I don't know if this will help. You said many things but I still don't know what to do to change things, to bring about visible results on my body. I understand that I have to love people, eat food with love, but I still don't know if this will help. You know how many things I have already tried with no result. All that I hear seems only empty words to me.«
Creator/Universe: »Well, yes, I know what you have already tried. I love you and I really wish you to be successful. Start with loving yourself, your body, your close ones and, above all, don't curse your destiny that it has made you as you are. You are like this with a reason. The reason which you have created. This is so with all diseases. Don't judge! Everyone is better, everyone is more beautiful, this is your world. They don't have anything to do with you. You are beautiful, too, and you can be even better. Respect yourself so that others will respect you! Respect others to get their respect! Yes, everything is reciprocal. Obesity is a new thing/a craziness of modern society. You are always looking for something, some comfort, but where will you find it if not within you. Not on the plate, this will not work. Of course many problems can be solved with food, but not here in your western world. Solve the problems of food in the east where people are content within even if they are hungry. They can be your example. Less food on a plate but more spiritual food. Spiritual food is your inner peace. FIND IT! You don't have to go anywhere; all is within you. Disease? Yes, you are overweight also because of the disease. But why is disease there? Because you have wrong patterns. Love each other, love yourself, others, love medicines that help you... and then everything only goes up.
Who do you hate most? Yourself or a neighbour or a co-worker or your children? Maybe you don't hate them, let's say that you don't approve of them. Maybe you don't like your belly? Yes, it makes you angry, right? And how can it leave you in anger? Everything that leaves, must go in acceptance. This way it finds its path more easily. Food is important but for survival. Eat healthy food, food which is given to you by earth and diligent human hands. This is your health (this is health nectar) and common sense, of course – the quantity. You will balance the quantity with a special way of eating. Eat slowly with love and, above all, pay attention to each bite. Enjoy your food, say thank you for it, limit the quantity. If you don't hurry, you will be full much sooner. Chew thoughtfully and say thank you to your food. Be happy that you have healthy food on your plate but don't make elaborations and whole studies about food. Just simply be full, life is not intended for eating. Food is intended to live, to survive. You were hunters, the providers of your families. Moms did the cooking, they kept the fire burning. Those were really different times. Now you need to change, some of you remained caught in the past. In those times they couldn't eat at any time because they had to catch food first. But today's society, the way of life, gives you food on a plate at any time, and not all of you realise that there is enough food. There is enough food but we shouldn't abuse this. Eat when it is necessary and not when you have nothing else to do. You are such a know-it-all, you know everything and you read everything, but you don't believe anything. Somehow like: »Oh, this is not for me...it's not for me.« Right?«
Overweight people: »Yes, this is true, I have read too much already, listened too much, but it's all just nonsense, there are no results. What do you think, is there any recipe about what to eat? You told us how but not what to eat.«
Creator/Universe: »I told you to eat what comes from the earth and from human hands. Nature knows. You know it, too, but life is easier if you sweeten it with products from the supermarkets. And not just sometimes a little bit, there's a lot of that, right?«
Overweight people: »Yes, it's true. Well, I will try to calm down a little.«
Creator/Universe: »Well, you can really calm down when eating but don't forget you were created to be hunters, you have to move, you must walk... well, now you exercise. You no longer have some real work which would stretch your body. This is a big problem in society. No wonder you are depressed. People must do things that bring results. But you pay to have exercise and then you go home. You made 10 squats more than yesterday. »Wow, so great.« But who cares?«
What will you show? What have you proved? That you are empty. You are doing something that matters to you to be seen by others. Yes, your muscles, yes, you are beautiful, but it is important and it would be fine to create something with your hands so that you move your body and do things to contribute to other people. Things that have a final visible result. Things that would encourage you and direct you into a better tomorrow. Yes, a beautiful body is great, but what does a society have from this, what do you have from it except that you are wasting your time? Time is your life. Life is a gift that you have received for free. Is the problem in the fact that you can't appreciate it? Exercise is ok, of course, but it shouldn't be the most important thing. Your society lost its way a bit. Go into nature, walk, run, be with nature, with me, with you, you will recharge your batteries there. The fact is that you will feel content afterwards. Believe me, your body needs you to »recharge its batteries«, it needs this very very much. Be honest to yourself and to other people; you still know what to do and how to behave towards all that you love. Exercise, food, laughter, meetings – don't shut yourself down if you are overweight because then you will only become even more obese. Don't stop attending courses if you don't see a result yet. Don't give up too soon on everything. This is your way of life – you give up. But you have to persist and then results will be there. Exercise which leads to losing weight also brings important results but first comes the food.
You need exercise to stretch so that your body doesn't become rusty J Muscles change from being tense to getting loose. Muscle mass is also important, so keep it. But have common sense. Many don't have it anymore and then problems arise. Have a good time, eat and drink reasonably and laugh a lot. I love you.«
Overweight people: »THANK YOU; CREATOR, we are a bit frightened but it is not that only we, overweight people are bad, right?«
Creator/Universe: »No, no, you are totally ok but do something more for you than you've done so far. I have to shout at you a bit so that it might work laterJ«
Overweight people: »Thank you, Creator, we know that this is because you love us and want to help.
Andreja: »Thank you, Creator, for all these words and have a good time!«
Creator/Universe: »Bye, I greet you kindly and wish you well!«
Author: Creator/Universe
Communication-connection: Andreja