A message for multiple sclerosis patients
Soul communication for a multiple sclerosis patient as transmitted to me by Creator in a conversation with him, regarding insights into this disease. This writing is intended to offer awareness of probable aspects that might contribute to this disease and is in no way meant to burden a patient with guilt or bad mood as its goal is to help and support the process of healing.
This blog is intended to raise awareness of general problems which people are faced with. What is Tesla communication of the soul? We could say it is a healing with the energy of consciousness; this is awareness that goes beyond our mind, what I mean is the universal consciousness. I, Andreja, am only the person channeling messages from our/your consciousness. Here you can read »conversations« between Creator – Universe and people who at a certain point of their life need help or direction. The Creator – Universe, or whatever you will call it, is the one who has answers for us, the one who can really help us/you and gives advice on how to improve our life.
Andreja: »Hello, Universe – Creator. I would like to help people who became ill with serious, hard-to-cure diseases. I find it important for people to understand why they are the ones who got ill and what they must change in their life, so that it becomes better, so that their disease improves ... so that they heal.
Help me Universe, help them open their eyes, help them show the way which they should follow for this to happen.«
Multiple sclerosis patients: »Yes, Creator, we ask you, the whole Universe, for the answer, even if I find it quite irrational to put this question to someone whom I don't even know and I don't trust as he has abandoned me long ago. My life is one big horror. Well, not horror but fear, a huge fear. How can my condition improve if my body is totally stiff by the mere diagnosis. We help ourselves in all possible ways but there is no result. If only it could stop, that is what we all have in mind and we don't even dare to think and ask for this condition to improve because our doctors harshly say that this is not possible, that our bodies, which YOU created, betrayed us. Why did you do this to us? Nothing makes sense. This agony in our lives, the agony of wondering if we will make it through tomorrow. Well, ok, it is not the same for everyone but we all think the same. Fear is our life companion. Do you find it ok to have created this?«
Creator – Universe: »Well, you have judged me harshly. I don't know if I am to be blamed for everything. You are creators of your life. The choice is yours. This disease has accepted your invitation. You have to understand that you have invited it into your life, into your world, and now it is not wanted. And the disease is confused, it doesn't know how to behave, you have got it because you are confused, too.
You are not stable in life which you actually create. Don't forget that I gave you free will, and reason. The circumstances that led you to the disease were your choice, the choice to find out why this situation must be there, why you feel as you do and finally what you must change.
Change your life!
I know that you are ill, unhappy and sometimes mean to others, this is all normal when you arrive at this stage of the disease. But of course you can change it, this multiple sclerosis that you have can leave you just as well as it came to you. Nothing is incurable. But a lot has to be done for this to happen. I hope you are ready for this journey. You will be surprised and you will find it illogical that it can be so easy. But know that the hardest things can be solved by easy solutions which are always available. My wish, my big wish for you is to be happy and to share this happiness with others. Happiness cures everything. Get yourself into a state in which you feel satisfied and in which your family members are satisfied, too. Yes, they are important for your happiness and health, more than a doctor. Their understanding of what's happening to you and their love is an immense cure. Andreja is right. This is not just your disease. This is the disease of the whole family, this is your family member. Accept this member and take care of him in this way, so that you understand him, stop being angry with him, offer him your words of gratitude. No more of all your resentments! Say farewell to the disease as if you were saying goodbye to a guest who is leaving your house.
Miracle words: Thank you for all the lessons you offered me, disease. I have learned a lot and I understand life in a different way. I love you for giving me this experience. I hope this is all I needed from you. I would like to say goodbye to you. Give me a chance to start living again, in a new way. I wish to live without you, with hope and faith that tomorrow I can get up without pain, without fear and, above all, full of love for all that surround me and for you, disease, that have given me a special life lesson. I respect life much more than I did before. I believe I have learned to love, love other people and all those who surround me. There are many people around me and I am healthy, full of energy and I know I can start again, from the beginning. I can start without you, disease, believe me. Believe me that you have taught me everything I needed to know to live life which others will envy me.
So, this is an example of how to talk to your disease and, above all, do it with love. Whatever you accept with love, no longer has those scary eyes that frighten you. I know that it is hard to believe that it can be different. But there is enormous strength within you. Even if your legs no longer carry you around, you can still keep encouraging them, so that they will be able to do that again. And they will certainly be able to do that if you choose so. But there is another important thing. Why did you get ill? I know this question hurts and your reply is probably: why me? Yes, it is you who needed this lesson. What did you do in life when you were healthy? Did you respect your life, did you respect your health, did you respect the people around you? Where on your journey did you lose your love for people, the faith in a beautiful life? Fighting was your way of being. Fighting against whom? We are all one, so be aware that when you fight against anyone, you fight against yourself. Why are you doing this and what are you doing to yourself? Your body understands this as if you were its enemy. An enemy because others don't understand you, they don't like you. You have always been looking for enemies, not friends, bad people and your body became bad, weak. What you were looking for in others, you found in yourself. Don't be angry if I am so direct. You were not all similarly direct but your inner self was attuned like that. Now you only need to understand that you need to change, that you need to take care of yourself. Many of you are too worried for yourselves and forget about your families. Your whole family is supposed to live in a way which makes you feel pleasant, you are the centre of the family. Well, you like this to some point. But this is not a solution for your disease. You will have to understand, to realize, that you are the one living your life, it is not your wife, children or your husband. It is you who creates your tomorrow and with this I have given you incredible power, use it! You have always been able to find answers for others, you are very smart when you are saving the world for another. Find the solution for yourself. Don't let your family live following your demands. It is nice that they help you, that they understand you, but don't take advantage of that. Close yourself in your world for as long as you need to find mistakes in your life. Believe me that they are there and they are many and they are your fault, don't look for them in other people, rather find them only within you. You are the creator of your life as we already said. Go within and clean up the bad energy and anger for the benefit of all around you. For the benefit of you because then this is replaced with love. Anger dissolves by itself when you process it, when you understand why it appeared in the first place. You have always been very angry. Angry with your daughter, mother, sister and many others. Look within. Where do you find most of your anger? Process it on your own or ask someone with whom you felt or still feel angry but I think that now you are not as angry with anyone anymore, now you are just unhappy. Unhappy and dissatisfied because things are happening to you which should not be happening and you are wondering why these things are happening to you. Yes, to you, this is your choice. Am I being nasty? I can't say it differently, you are the creator of your life – it is you, not me. I love you, I love you very much as you are a part of me and who doesn't love their children? You are my children and I am cheering you on to make your life beautiful. Did you understand?«
A multiple sclerosis patient: I didn't understand anything. Only a bunch of bad words about us. And all of us were not so bad! The surroundings forced us to be unhappy, the disease forced us. Well, you've got me: I'm looking for the cause in others. Tell us what exactly should we do to change our world, to get rid of the multiple sclerosis?«
Creator – Universe: »What else do you have to do? Besides all that I have told you, you will know the best what to do. It is hard for me to state it for all. But for all patients love is the most important thing, peace and understanding in the family. But don't try to force your family to understand you with your disease because it won't work. You must understand people, you must understand what caused the disease.«
A multiple sclerosis patient: »I don't know why. You tell us why, so that we will be solving our challenging condition successfully.
Creator – Universe: »It is not as difficult as you think. For some, yes, it is truly difficult But for those who are in the beginning stage, for all those that are still on their feet, love each other and understand people. Go out and join people, don't close yourselves between walls, offer a smile and good mood to others and, above all, be positive, positive towards all, those who love you and those who don't. You got ill because I wanted you to try something that will change your life, that will enrich you. Your experience is crystal clear and beautiful. Now use it for your benefit. You now understand people if you just try a little bit while before you were not capable of this. I chose you because you are strong and selfish: well, selfish is something that you used to be before. Now you are much more perfect humans even if your walking ability is worse. You are heart-centered but you still haven't healed the past feelings, those that led to what happened to you, for which you were chosen to get ill, to experience this disease and therefore you created this disease. I chose it for you because you wanted it. This was your choice and my gift to you. Strange, isn't it?«
A multiple sclerosis patient: »This is so silly, Creator! If we are your children, why are you doing this to us?«
Creator – Universe: »Aren't you bringing up your children? Aren't you preparing them for life? I have to prepare you for eternal life and my upbringing must be even more responsible. But it is you that demand it with your behaviour. Love yourself. Dive deep into your subconsciousness and clear all the bad patterns, all bad habits.«
A multiple sclerosis patients: »But we don't know where they are, where to find them.«
Creator – Universe: »If you are not aware of them, I can help you, but to each one individually, of course. But if you calm down sufficiently, if you process your life, you will find them by yourselves. I gave you a disease which is giving you time, time which you can use only for yourself. All around you know that you need time for yourselves, right? Use this time carefully and process your past as this is your future. Don't make the same mistakes anymore. When you change your patterns, which many of you already did, change your life. But be careful because patterns are not the ones that change life. You change your patterns and you change your life. Above all, love everyone around you. Love them sincerely as there is so much love within you, use it! You are the messengers of my words and my deeds that flow through your bodies that can no longer cope. But they will be able to cope and function, you are strong, good and primarily attuned to love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, follow it and share it abundantly. But if you don't find a solution, if you still don't make it to understand why this is happening to you, believe me, you are a hero: not many people choose such a hard journey. Therefore you are my ambassadors of all the good that is awakening within you, and there is incredible goodness and understanding. But don't wait till your body gets exhausted, find these things within you sooner and by this you will give your body the strength to become alive again and awaken that body part which is no longer willing to cooperate with you. Tell those body parts that you love them very much and you need them, that your life is still full of ideas and that they have to carry on with you, with all their energy and strength. Incredible, isn't it, they have to be encouraged with words, thoughts and love, every day, so that they are aware that you need them and love them even if they can't function as well as you expected. With this you are giving them strength, the strength that they need to be able to carry your body and your personality, which was not easy, that's why they stopped carrying them as they didn't feel your gratitude, they didn't feel worthy to be with you. Enough. We will have to hear each other again as I have to tell you much more. Above all, have a good time, spend your time usefully, with love for other people and for yourself and for your diseased body parts. You have to know that they are not your slaves, so don't despise them. All your organs are your closest co-workers in your life. Talk to them and love them!«
A multiple sclerosis patient: »Yes, thank you for some answers and I will be really happy if I can hear from you again.«
Creator – Universe: Well, of course, but I know that for now this is enough. Have a good time, all of you, I wish you well, with love.«
Andreja: »Thank you, Creator – Universe. You are so good, thank you for all these words. I love you from all my heart.«
Creator - Universe: »Yes, yes, it's ok, be well and, above all, in love towards all and with all. Bye-bye.«
Author: Creator/Universe
Communication-connection: Andreja