Andreja: Hello, Creator/Universe. How are you? Are you very busy, I always want something from you. But I/we need so many more answers that could help us live better, more gracefully and, above all, in harmony with you and god's laws.
Creator/Universe: Well, these are actually not my laws, originally they are, but you function according to your own rules. Laws of nature only respond. You can live a life full of beauty if you only choose to attune yourself properly, however, it is also true that you came here to learn and therefore you get challenged every now and then. And it depends on you how you receive it, how you understand the lesson. Challenges never last long if you realise what is happening to you and what needs to be changed. I wish you to live a beautiful life. That's why I'm here with you, with all the possible answers that you may need to make your life easier. Tell me, or let the people who are lonely ask me about what bothers them in life or let's see what answers they need, why they have problems.
People looking for partners, looking for love, a person with whom they would walk together on the path of life: Hello, Creator/Universe. We are really a bit tired of searching and also sad because we are the only ones who can't find the right partner. We can't decide, we can't choose a person and we don't even know what to do differently in order to change our life ... so that we would no longer be alone. Although it sometimes seems that we are not alone, because we are surrounded with many people, we can even be entertaining, we are not aggressive. At least, that's what we think. But we don't know what we are doing wrong. Please, help us!
Creator/Universe: Sure, I will explain to you what the point of partnership - love is and, especially, the point of seeking a person to love. Don't seek, this person comes to you. A desire which is too strong can kill you. The fact is that many of you have been choosy sometimes and now the truth is that others are choosy about you, they don't want someone who would judge them, give them smart advice and, above all, annoy them with their remarks. You like being always right. All of you are self-sufficient, right? Mostly you are not aware of this. All you know is that you are lonely and miserable. You wish to have a family, friends who would understand you. No, the friends you have now are not right for you. Be careful, friends should really wish you all the best. Do you understand? Think about it, is this actually so with you and your present friends? Isn't it true that there is a lot of ridicule and mockery? But when you leave this goes on behind your back, too. Don't be with people who don't fulfill you. Don't be with people because of money, don't look for a partner according to your criteria. Surrender. Your partner can be good-looking and smart, if you so wish, and not as stupid as all others you have been with so far. You can't fall in love, because you don't believe in yourself. How could anyone believe in you if you don't believe in yourself? You are very pedantic, knowledgeable, you work on yourself but in the wrong direction. You don't have to be important to get a partner, no, absolutely no, because what you consider as smart – and what you think about you being smart is far from it. You can't imagine how much more knowledge is there waiting for you. So much knowledge has been gained in this world but there so much more of it is needed. You know nothing, really, you know absolutely nothing. If you are just another player who knows where to get money, if you know how to live by the rules and norms established by the society, this is not being smart, this is submission to the society. And where are you, with your own head, with your surrendering to nature? Above all, calm down, don't fool around and don't search for meaning in materialism. It is very important that you love people, all of them, or at least many of them J I know this is hard for you, nobody teaches you this, not your friends, nor the society and your work colleges. There's just fighting and proving yourself. But who do you need to prove yourself to as you don't even have a partner ... to your mom, dad, co-workers? Just simply calm down and take time for yourself, too. Go out and be with new people but get properly attuned. Above all, be kind to people, be graceful, forgive, accept and don't believe in gossip. Use only your own discernment when you judge people. In general, you already have bad opinions, and then all others help you with that – they add fire to it and so your anger gets even stronger. Is this really necessary? Try a different approach, look at the good things in people. There are many, really many, and then people will also look for the good qualities in you. You find diligence to be important above all. But what will you do with diligence if you can't prove it to anyone? Yes, you will think about this or maybe you already think about it. To prove yourself. To whom? Why? Only you live your life, if you calm down, you will get a partner who will walk a part of your life path with you very slowly and this path will lead in the same direction, so do your best to make it last, so that you give time to each other. You can't do this. You immediately focus on your issues, your life, your management of everything. You have a very very big ego. You view the world egotistically, believing above all that many don't deserve you, that they are not beautiful enough, smart enough, that they are too lazy ... And some of you are victims and get the same result. You are alone unless you are found by somebody who uses your readiness to sacrify yourself, of course. You can see this in the animal world where you are a victim or a prey if you are afraid of life. Does it make sense to live like that, so that you exist and wait for a partner to find you and use you and live your life, too? Or that you remain alone if you feel so down already? Well, there are not so many who are like that. I would rather not talk about the life these people have if they get a partner (because that would take so much writing that your hand, Andreja, would not endure J). Most of you are self-absorbed. Wake up, look around you, can you admire other people as well, other things, not just yourself and your things? You can, I know that you can. You can be very good and for that I bow to you all. But anyway, you can be very very fragile/unstable and also very determined, unapproachable and impossible, even bipolar. Love this world and people in it, so that this love starts returning to you. And when it starts returning, other people come close to you and enter your life, people who are attuned differently, there is love. Go out and join people, find new activities, travel ...well, this is a bit difficult in these times, but still, ride a bike, go hiking, sing, and subconsciously your life will change. Walk and go high into the hills, among good and honest people. People who stay in nature a lot are better people by default. I expressed myself weirdly, there are no better or worse people, I love all of you. But the way I put it lets you understand it more easily. Otherwise, your future depends only on how you choose your path. Talk to people, above all, to strangers. Start doing this, it will be fun AND DON'T BE AFRAID. Who should you be afraid of? People are pleased if you talk to them in their free time, if you offer them a kind word, a smile ... This is a gift. A wonderful gift that people give to each other too rarely, and it costs so little. Maybe that's why it is not valued enough. But this has an immense value. Try it, you can really start feeling great but be careful that you don't fall into the ego-trap, the other person would like to talk as well, if you allow him/her. Listen to him/her and, above all, don't be picky about who you want to talk to and to who you don't. Talk to as many as possible, regardless of their gender and age. Don't look for a partner, look for people whom you could make happy with kind words, have no fear, and again, this is a gift that you are offering but be properly attuned, so that you honestly wish well to people. Go to the sea, go dancing, go tasting all the good things with me, not with friends, no. I don't know who you will meet there, you are too many, so I can't say precisely for everyone. But go ALONE. Only alone will you manage to arrange your life, no one else can do it. Do most things by yourself, without attachment and the need for family and old friends. Take time for them, too, if they invite you, but don't gossip, don't think negatively even if they do so. Be careful, this is a vibration. Whatever you give, comes back at you, I already said that, it is the same with a partner. Above all, pay attention to people and choose your goodness and positive attitude. Do some charity work, this is not your world, right? Well, some of you might be on this path, too, if so, just keep going.
People who can't find a partner-love: Creator/Universe, we truly strongly wish to have a partner – love that would fulfill our lives. Life is very empty now. The things you told us, we have already been playing with all these ideas in our minds. We know it all. But how to change it now? Where to start? What should I change in my life? You know, that is difficult. To resist all that I already have, I am already so alone ... and now I should avoid even these few »friends«, family and all who surround me at present. Where should I go? How should I behave? I know you wrote about this, but you know, it is really hard because what I am now, this is me. Should I change? Then it would no longer be me. Should I lie to myself?
Creator/Universe: Oh no, no, you are all changing. All of you, always and everywhere. Are you the same as you were five or ten years ago? Are you mentally the same? No, you are maturing in this world, changing your mentality and thereby your life. It's true that you mostly do it without awareness and life goes its own way but you can decide to do it consciously and you get on the right path sooner if you want it to. How aware are you of your deeds, words, thoughts and, above all, consequences of your relationships.
This is your weak point, you can't be in a relationship: you are either aggressive, .... or dominant or too inhibited, too scared. None of these states are right. Love comes by loving people. So love people, this is the first rule, and love yourself, too, of course – the second rule is love the parents, the kids when you see them in the street, let your heart jump. When you see a beautiful girl/boy, this is totally ok, and don't be afraid, she/he is also searching for happiness in life. On one hand you are so mighty, on the other hand you are so scared. What are you scared of? Of being refused? You will really be refused if you are so afraid. There is something good that you could receive and yet you are so unreasonably afraid. How awful! You are a nightmare for this world. Listen to people, learn about them and understand that they are all rightfully searching for happiness and contentment ... Don't be afraid that you might appear to be less powerful as you make others believe to be. There's nothing wrong if you get »wounded« sometimes, it doesn't matter if the world knows about it, this lasts a few days and then they forget it, but if you don't take risks, you have no chance to succeed. Yes, now everything has changed in your world. Boys are even more afraid of girls than they are of boys. Well, this is normal, for a long long time it has been just the opposite and it also wasn't acceptable. You always go from one extreme to another. And don't be afraid of girls, in their essence they are still fragile and loving beings, but the outer world (fashion) made them to be perfect, independent, beautiful, unapproachable because then they feel that their price is rising. If you, girls, do this for too long, then you don't find love as well, you can find a partner but not love because you are not attuned to this vibration, so it can't happen. Even if someone loves you a lot, it doesn't work for you as you have closed this door. Well the same is true for boys. You are proud of this perfection, of being unreachable but you are only tender vulnerable beings who must help each other and then, when you really understand this, you can find a partner much more easily. Be open to more possibilities: from meeting others, socialising, having fun, maybe in the end love will come, too. It comes if you are relaxed. You know how lovely you can be then, and not by getting totally drunk. Be relaxed as you are because you are a god's gift for this world, just as someone else who is waiting just for you, for you being relaxed, so that he/she can approach and who dares and is able to change their life and yours as well. It is worth it to find a life companion. Don't be afraid of the responsibility which this brings. Some can't accept the responsibility although they love their partner, so they prefer to retreat before the partnership really starts. Responsibility, loss of freedom, finality – they rather step back and retreat ... and the result is that they are alone in the end, lonely and disappointed with life. Noone is with them when they feel pain, when they get old, when they can't go out anymore, or when they get ill. They stay alone in their flat, with their memories and wrong paths but when they had a chance, they didn't make a decision. There is always time, you are never too old for partnership and love but you are always too old to be alone. I created you to complete each other, to continue your family line, this is an incredible accomplishment for a human, use it, experience it, it's really worth it. These things can give you really beautiful feelings and I advise you not to miss them because of your stubbornness, indecisiveness and, above all, inauthenticity in your life. You don't give life a chance, you don't give it fullness. You are looking for someone to blame but there is no one, your situation is just your choice. Others speak badly about you and you get paralysed by words which are not true. So what, they are rude, they use everything to put you in a bad light and there's more and more you »blab«. Stop it! These are your thoughts. Nobody, absolutely nobody can command you and make you feel how they want. It is only your choice how to accept their criticism and how it will touch you. From those words take out only what is good and think about the rest, if you can fix some things about yourself and leave them behind you. Nothing that others say about you matters, it only matters what you feel about yourself. And know that people sometimes speak badly about you, sometimes they say nice things, sometimes sad things, but all this is just passing by you. You yourself know very well when you are acting right and when you aren't. Be focused and pay attention to your feelings. This is your way. You will know if you are on the right path through your feelings. I love you and I hope you find a person whom you will love, too. Many greetings to all the lonely people.
And one more thing. There are people who have lost their partners, let's make it clear that we didn't speak about them today, I can't advise all of you in the same way. But those of you who have lost your partners, be careful not to become victims. Be strong. When you cry out your tears, you have to live on. Live for others, too, not just for yourself. You always come to this world for others, too, so be responsible and help others to get out of troubles as this way you help yourself, too. I love you all.
People who can't find love – a partner: Thank you, Creator/Universe. I don't know if I will find a partner-love this way but I know I feel better as you are explaining this to us and as you say that we have a chance.
Creator/Universe: Of course you have it, you have many opportunities just use them, many are right in front of your nose. Those most simple ones are usually most effective. Go out of your house. Take part in anything, it doesn't matter what, but not in order to get a partner already by tomorrow. Go out tomorrow just to start changing your life, every little change can be a big step in the direction where you want to go. I know that you want a partner and it is never, never too late, even if you are older.
Are you in despair? I don't recommend it, don't allow it. What is your life like today? Where could you meet others without always thinking about partners? Go out primarily to relax yourself. This matters most, all the rest will unfold spontaneously. Enjoy life in many different ways. Do different things with many people. You just know it, have fun, enjoy life and life will flow by itself. Don't argue and look for problems because then you will find them (you will say: »I find them even if I don't look for them.«) Oh yes, you are looking for them, you are focused only on problems. Focus on positive solutions. You lack a positive attitude. You don't have faith. Faith in everything that already exists, there is love in everything. You are love so who could refuse you? Who would not want to be in your company? Yes, love and trust each other and listen to each other. This way you are learning without the need of experiencing, going through everything – as you have already learned your lesson and understand it.
And now bye-bye.
People who can't find love – a partner: Thank you, thank you, Creator/Universe, we are already learning by reading this and we will continue, we promise. And we hope to talk to you again if we get stuck, if things won't flow.
Creator/Universe: Of course, anytime.
Andreja: Thank you, Creator/Universe for all your instructions and empowering words.
Creator/Universe: It's ok, just live nicely with your family, with your partner, in love and patience, even your dear ones don't always understand ... everybody, right? But you are learning and that is right. You went through difficult challenges and now you harvest the fruits. Congratulations. I love you.
Andreja: Thank you from my heart, all in my family love you, too, and we trust your words. Thank you, I wish you all the best with love.