Soul communication: Why cancer, why me?
Andreja: “Hello, Creator. How are you? Am I bothering you a lot?”
Creator: “No, no, just tell me. You know I’m always available.”
Andreja: “THANK YOU, REALLY THANK YOU. Well, today I would like to write about cancer patients. Why does this disease happen to them? Can they get in touch with you directly? They must have many questions. Why did you choose them for this disease? Isn’t this a too-heavy cross for a few mistakes they made in life? “
Creator: “Well, let them ask me about what they want to know. I can give general answers. The cause is always the same but the story is different for everyone. Just ask.”
Cancer patients: Hello, Creator. We find it funny that we talk with the Creator himself. What kind of a Creator are you that you made so many mistakes? These diseases, incurable diseases, do they have any sense at all? Why do we have to stand all this suffering? You are supposed to be the source of infinite grace, goodness, of all the good. We don’t understand why you are doing this to us.”
Creator: I’m not doing it to you, you are doing this to yourself. You have free will and unlimited possibilities to understand why this is happening to you. It always happens with a reason, always and wherever you are. You know this well. Look back. It is not true that it had to be this way. You are tireless fighters, that’s true. But do you have to fight so much? Against whom? Against yourself? Know that every fight is a fight against yourself. You have many grudges, just as multiple sclerosis patients. But can you resolve grudges? Do you dare to say you understand what is happening to you with this disease? With your relationships? Your relationships are rigid, unreachable and, above all, you can’t be caught in life. You are always right. At least, that’s what you think. But what is important in life? To be happy, right? You might say: “This sounds so simple.” Yes, you must understand that you create happiness. You can be happy even if you are ill. You can go to a spa, to the sea, to visit relatives (to those you love; you don’t love all of them, right?) It starts with relatives already, let alone with other people. You hate many people but don’t get it wrong – there are many people who think like that. However, if you don’t start acting differently, the lesson becomes ever more demanding. Yes, you hate people, you always find a problem in them. Money rules the world according to you. But why is this so? You are the most important one, your children, your close ones. Money is the necessary evil in your world. Decide that you will not give it such value, don’t put it on the pedestal of the highest importance. I am the highest one but I am real and I love you immensely, therefore I teach you.
I teach you with a disease, too, so that you can put the values in the right place. LOVE for yourself and for all who surround you, and your soul will bloom. Your gift of love will be the most beautiful thing you can leave behind you for this world. Children will receive the biggest gift this way. The gift you cannot show (your world finds this hard to understand), but it is priceless. Do you know what this means? Love shines because of you, it expands, you are the ones who will understand, who will change. Many of those who didn’t get the disease, will never know this. The gift is cruel but beautiful. Your disease is teaching you. Everything, from how your hair is growing, how your body is regenerating, how you can destroy it or teach it how and what to eat and drink, what true contentment and happiness in life really means. The disease teaches you everything from the start. Would you ever pay so much attention to yourself if this disease was not there? Would you ever feel your body, your needs so explicitly? You have been given this knowledge by your disease, it has given you willingness to live, you have more of it than you had before. A disease is one of the rare things that even other people, your close ones take with patience. They give you an opportunity to change. They give you time for yourself. They stand by your side. Your disease is teaching the whole family. The family must be the pillar. The foundation on which you build relationships with other people. The outer world is a reflection of your family. How do others perceive your family? “Oh, it doesn’t matter”, you will say. But it does matter because what you see in the eyes of others, this is your perception of your family, of yourself, of your children. A silent, unspoken perception you don’t want to confess to yourself. This is your thought, not theirs. The thought you yourself don’t want to confess. You don’t admit that you feel guilty, that you know you made mistakes in some period of your life. Now it’s time to confess that you have been dealing with it and that you start changing. As you are changing, your family is changing, too, your friends, co-workers, the surroundings. This is the important thing that you will leave behind. You will leave the trail of love in your children when you understand this. Your children will give this forward and your grandchildren will receive this. This is something that doesn’t fade away, YOU are changing all your family lineage. Until now your ancestors lived the story they got from their ancestors. You were chosen to change consciousness. Yes, you are chosen, that's why you got ill. You will not only change your world but the generations that follow. “How?” you ask. “You cannot give what you haven’t received from your parents, family, friends, surroundings …” You will be able to give because you will learn in a new way. You will learn with my help and with your strong will. You got ill because I know you can do this. With the help of disease you can understand other people and your family. If you cannot do this, your life path will end with this disease. You have given as much as you could. I understand that you cannot change. Nothing wrong with it, you will come to me sooner. People will mourn your departure because they miss what they lost in their lives. They miss you because of themselves. You all live very egotistically, unfortunately. It is this egotistical life that the disease which you got is trying to change.
Why cancer? Cancer understands where it has to fix you, you cannot fix it on your own. Cancer is your teacher. And it is persistent, it can give you many opportunities, it can spread and it can retreat, it can disappear for a while and, if necessary, come back again until you learn the whole lesson.
You will say: “What about children? What have they done wrong that they have to pay for their sins so young?”
No, they haven’t sinned but they came as your teachers. They sacrifice themselves for you. You cannot understand this but such is their choice. They have decided to help you. I know, it’s a crazy world, but that’s how it goes. You are all incredibly connected and children are the biggest mercy, grace you get on Earth, that’s why you are able to learn most from them in such situations. But the problem arises if you are swallowed by anger and rage because this is happening to you. Why to you, right? That’s how it is. The fact that you are angry already tells a lot about you. Ask for mercy, forgive, free yourself from anger, from grudge and accompany your child with love. If you can’t do this, you make his burden even bigger than it was when he has taken it on by himself before conception. Know that a HERO came to your house. A human with immense responsibility and incredible grace. Thank God for having chosen you as his family and that you are his disciple. Not everyone receives such grace in life to have a teacher that is immaculate. He is not conceived for his life but for yours, for your mother, father, brother … Offer him support with love and it can happen that a miracle occurs and he gets healed if his soul understands, realizes and believes, too, that it has carried out its mission. His pains will be reduced and his life will gain meaning. Even if he is here only for a short time, you will all spend it with him intensely. You will give him time and by this he will be able to live out his life sooner and will teach you more.”
Cancer patients: “Nonsense! Why such pain, we could arrange it to be different. You can teach us in a different way. Isn’t this a bit too cruel? Why isn’t everyone responsible for themselves, for making sacrifices for themselves, for their own life?”
Creator: “Because you are all one. You don’t understand your connection. Before you were a grandfather, now you are a son, then you will be a sister … All is interconnected in this, previous and next life. All the knowledge, all work, good and bad, nothing is forgotten. Your soul carries this on, always. It will always remind you what is right and what isn’t. You know this well, we call this conscience. No matter how hard you try to detach yourself from it, every now and then it shows up and you cannot separate yourself from this. A bad feeling comes up: “Why did I do that? Why did I say this to a person I really love? But my ego is too strong, my importance in this world ties me to material things. This is a proof of my work. This is a proof to society that I am important.” But are you really?
Do you know what it means to be “important”? You will be important when you forget about yourself, about your sins, about your possessions, your good name which others create for you. You consider your good name according to how others judge you. It is important that others see you as ok, capable and well behaved. In short, the importance and purpose of your life is established by others. Start thinking with your head, not in the way the outer world dictates you. You know that you mustn’t hurt anyone, you know that you have to build relationships with people, with your family. Yes, I know it’s difficult that’s why I have given you a disease, so that these connections are easier to make. The world and people in it understand you better. They are ready to listen to you. They ask for your opinion and even listen to you. They don’t just wait for their turn to talk, so they can flood you with their advice. Well, there are such people, too. And you know well that you have to step away from certain people. You don’t have to hate them, bless them with your patience and socialize with them as little as possible, if they don’t understand you, if they don’t accept your decisions while you are ill. These people are then not your close ones or you will still need to talk with them a lot. Actually, a disease is a blessing, accept it with love and find out what it is that you have to learn from it. What has it given you? Try to understand this, try to get the insight. Above all, be peaceful. Also when disease comes, don’t panic, a teacher has come to see you. You have to be patient. This is the first step with which you start learning.
Patience, honesty towards other people, respect and consideration. Above all, be aware that it is not only your children that make up the world you live in. You are here for other people, too. For everyone you talk to and associate with. We leave traces in each other. Leave good traces behind you. Your partner is too tough, too rigid, and lacks understanding. In some period of your common life each one of you went your own way. You didn’t consider each other much, well, not with love. You had a business-like, empty, cold relationship. It is also not ok to always search for something the other person doesn’t have. You always disagree and in the end you are cold to one another. You cannot find nice words for another. Your thoughts are important, too. Thoughts are energy, too. Thoughts create words. Be careful what you think, what you say and how you say it. WITH LOVE! Love is the foundation of humanity. Only this way humanity has a chance to survive. Love connects you and together you are powerful. Love needs you and you need it. This is a living thing, this is air. Do you feel it where there are people in love? Do you feel this energy? It is wonderful. You also feel friendship. Start feeling. Listen to your feelings. This tells you everything. It tells you when you are on the right path. You cannot feel good while doing something wrong and vice versa, you cannot feel bad if you are doing everything right. Pay attention to how you feel and if you feel good when you are doing something, keep doing it and you will be on the right path. I love you immensely.”
Cancer patients: “What shall we say to you, Creator? We still think all this is one big mess. We don’t feel that we, who got this disease, are the worst people. If we understand you well, you are trying to tell us this. Will you teach us or kill us?!”
Creator: “Oh no, no. You don’t know that you are those who can change other people. You were always quiet, you didn’t express your opinions often. And now it is time and an opportunity to express them. You got ill because of this. Your opinions, your requests, your words mostly haven’t been accepted. Not only accepted, they haven’t even been heard. Now you have an opportunity to express them and they will listen. Your family is also very attached to you but you weren’t able to tell them, to explain to them how you felt. Now you have an opportunity to get closer even to those who were not close to you before, who were not ready to listen to you. Because these are people who are very close to you, who are a part of your life. These are above all your partners. Talk to each other but be careful that you don’t talk in anger. Think it over, you have time, talk with patience and with love, kindly and, above all, make sure that they understand you. They haven’t understood you for many years. You have always been looking for some other answer. Why don’t you get along with the person you love, you used to love? It was always somebody else that was the cause for it. And this somebody else has to talk to you, too, this somebody else will understand. He will have his arguments why he behaved that way. But it doesn’t matter. If you talk peacefully, this person, too, will have a chance to see the stupidities which happened in life, just as you did. Because after all, this is not so important, but it is true that patience is not a human virtue and stupidity is. In short, be honest, create sincere foundations on which a strong relationship will be built. The relationship which will be supportive. I know you will make it. May love wrap you in its embrace and accept all the teaching that this disease offers you with love. I know there are difficult moments but it is then that learning is the most intense. Don’t remove yourself from the family members. Let the disease be the connecting factor. Tell them everything. They will understand and support you. But be careful that you are good with them, too, and that you give them the best you can. I love you.”
Cancer patients: “Thank you, Creator. Well, we do understand that even if our disease is difficult and we really find it hard to explain it logically, we understand that it offers us teachings and we will try to learn from it.”
Creator: Well, I am glad you understand it. If you need me, just say it and we will do more talking. Kind greetings to all my heroes. With love and respect for you, I bless you.”
Andreja: “Thank you, Creator. I felt like crying a bit at hearing all your words. THANK YOU!”
Creator: “It’s all right. Continue to be mine and with me as you have been so far and all will be well in your world. I love you very much, too!”
Andreja: “Thank you a hundred times, a million times THANK YOU!”