Andreja: Hello Creator/Universe. It's me again. J Did you get a bit tired of me? Just one more conversation today, then I hope I will leave you alone for a week.
Creator/Universe: You know that it's ok, I like being with you and people who have problems. I like helping them to get out of the captivity which they have created. Tell me what we will talk about this time.
Andreja: I've been thinking for quite some time to talk to people who had a stroke. Could you help them find a way out of their captivity – the captivity of their disease?
Creator: Of course. Let them ask me what bothers them most. Probably the first question will be about why this happened to them. Well, I can tell them what I have already told all people who have various diseases. It happened because they wanted it. Well, let them ask me.
Patients who had a stroke: Hello Creator. Well, we can still think well enough, at least some of us, to ask you a question. For all the others it feels as if you were messing with them – making fun of them considering that their heads no longer function. Don't you think that it's a bit ridiculous to ask them questions then? You banter with us! We have enough, even enough of your nice words which you will probably deliver. Give us a more normal life! Isn't this easy for you as Creator?
Creator: Maybe it is. But this is not what you wish. If I dictated your life, you would not live the life of your own, you would be guided puppets. Why, for what purpose did you come to Earth then? Why is your life needed? It would then be all the same if you remained here with me, as souls. But there is no learning here. You can only learn if you are embodied because, you know, you learn most from mistakes. That's why you humans are made in the way you are. Of course, if you are properly attuned in life, it is not necessary to learn everything from one's mistakes. If you listen to your soul, to your heart, your soul will be a wonderful teacher. Just listen to it. But you want to silence this teacher at all costs. Your head is the most important part of your body. But know that your head is of the earth and is pulling you into your earthly body, into earthly rules and, above all, into things that are not right. The head thinks what it thinks – it understands things in a way that is acceptable in this era, at this time in your world – fashion, authority, possession, materialism, vacations ... No, no, you must work on relationships, on cooperation, receiving, and not on proving what your head tells you. Your head is full of stupid plans about what you must achieve, so that you would appear grand outwardly. So that you would be admired. It is no wonder that you had a stroke, that your head can no longer listen to and hear your heart and soul. All these silly ideas about what is important in the world. Stop it! Stop your thinking as this causes an ever-lasting fight between your head and soul. And where does this fight end? Your head becomes powerless. Your brain stops functioning. Of course, the soul wins. We have been learning for eons of time, the soul is what you own and you take so little care of it, as if you were almost ashamed of it. What is not of the earth is not acceptable for your society. Your soul had to silence this stupid head of yours. Yes, I know, you struggled for survival, this is what everyone says. And it is partly true, I know, you have to eat, drink, live somewhere, wear decent clothes ... all this is true, but you shouldn't pay a price that is too high for it. This ambition of yours, to be always better and better! Why, for whom? Peace within you is the only thing that will make you happy. Were you happy when you had it all, when you didn't cooperate with anybody, because you were always in a hurry, when you had no real friends and you took no time to meet them, to give them a chance to be in your life. What do you think, why is that so? Why are you so alone? Because I wanted it to be this way. You see, after this stroke you are at peace with most people, things changed, you no longer avoid people and even look for company. And not to get validated for having a new car, better clothes, a bigger and more beautiful house than last year, or, as you silently added, a bigger house than your neighbour's. It is all right to have desires and willingness to create but you paid a price that was too high. You neglected your family, the society and the whole world, the world which means freedom. I say the whole world when I think of infinite freedom, which I give you. Freedom of choice. That is what you want. Would you like to be in a prison for your whole life? It would be like that if I regulated your choices, if I directed the course of your life. You would be my slaves. Which parents would want that? None of those who truly love their children, only those who love themselves more than their child. Believe me, my love is immense, that's why I am here with you now and forever, amen.
I love you and take care of you. That's why I give you answers, but lessons, experiences and consequences are yours to deal with. Yes, I know, even the consequences of a stroke. This is a serious disease, it leaves bad consequences which are difficult to heal. But that's how it is, your choice, your way of life brought your body into this state.
Patients with stroke consequences: Come on Creator, stop it, I have enough of this blabbing. Do you know what my/our life is like? Do you think it's ok that there is no return, that I am bound to be an imbecile till death? Only in the beginning, shortly after the event we can still repair some consequences and that is only by the help of some other person who takes care of me/us.
Creator: This exactly is the point, to make you realise what's happening. That you finally need someone and become aware that you are not the most important one now, that you can't make everything alone. This is the lesson. You don't like it, I know, but that's how it is, you took this situation so far. I don't know how you will get out of this. But I know, and I can assure you, that it is possible. But again it is your choice. First look in the mirror to see if you can still recognize yourself. Are you as you were before the stroke? Probably most of you are no more like that. Nothing wrong, that is a sign that you have changed in an instant. Your family had no more patience with you. Know that when you are balanced and your soul, spirit, body, heart and head are in harmony, such things don't happen. You ran over your emotions. Now they are coming back, very intensely, your emotions are very strong now as you have silenced your head. I know, this is hard, but it is truly important. Now you have a chance to work on a much more important – responsible situation. Now it is time for your soul which is screaming for your attention. It has been screaming for a long time until it went into despair. Now you are learning from the start, not only to talk, walk, now you are learning to feel. Isn't it beautiful to feel? You feel a scent, you feel people, you feel love from your loved ones, even if there is only a little of it, or barely any as you might think. And where there is at least a bit of it, there are still many possibilities that there will be much more. And if there is a bit of hope left, a bit (as you say) of love, then there is hope. And now you hope and want people to be with you, you want them to take time for yourself, to understand you, you want to be part of their life. Yes, it is more difficult now than it was before the disease. Before the disease you used to push them away, now you want them. What a mess! But do you see that your feelings, emotions, sensations can change overnight? This happened to you, right? Of course, there was anger, sadness ... Well, all these are feelings. Feelings let you know that you are on the right path. And today they are quite different than they were before the disease. Those of you who had a stroke should know that there is very little you can do to prevent it from happening again. Start taking my advice into account. Those of you who had only a minor stroke, many of you keep living in the same hurry as before. Stop joking like that! You had a stroke with a reason. You are lucky, it was just a warning but it will repeat if your life remains completely the same. You have to make changes. It's very simple. Above all, just observe the world around you more. Be thankful for the people and things that surround you and more of your feelings will emerge, you will feel more every day, there will be more gratitude in you, you will deal with other people more. And not just to have a bigger income, to have more, but rather to make others happy by paying attention to them. What about your wife, your husband who lives with you, who loves you and respects you, tell her/him that you see and respect her/him, too, and that you will put this in expression: I love you, I need you just as you need me, just as we all need each other. Your children are waiting, they are hungry for your love. Do you believe you have given them enough if they have food, if they are warm, if they have education? Is this your world where all that is visible is important? But it is love that matters most. Unconditional love, even when they make mistakes. You have always been demanding, too strict and, above all, committed to work and responsibility and not to your family. Yes, of course you are responsible for your family. That is right but don't forget to love them. Now you have time to show them this. I gave you time and an opportunity to be with them. And it's true that not all of you have this chance. Some of you are complete invalids but that, too, is totally your choice, and it doesn't make sense to write much more about this. You have accepted this final decision but you haven't chosen death yet. Death comes when all accept that you are as you are, that it is your choice, and above all, that they love you. You are still trying to force them to love you. And you will make it as this is the only thing they can offer you out of pity and responsibility that you have felt for all these people. You have always been able to enforce your decisions and your last station in life is in resonance with this, too. I love you anyway, I love you nonetheless and I feel sorry for you. But with God's help you will receive this love because you can't help yourself any more and then I will approach you if only you give me permission to help. There are also those who remain angry with me, with themselves, with the whole world. They will carry this anger through life. Try to help them, if you cannot help yourself, at least help them, so that you will see and feel how precious is the feeling you experience when you offer help. This feeling is priceless and beyond all other values, it is beyond all material things. Give this to yourself and you will give it to others as well. I love you.
Patients with stroke consequences: Oh yes, we know it. But nevertheless, you are cruel. Help us then, tell us what to do to have more grace in our lives, to reduce the consequences of the stroke.
Creator: You don't have »to do« anything, listen (to me), to people, especially to your family and love them sincerely. This will bring about the feelings within you which you already had as a child. Incredible peace, happiness, love, respect – you used to feel all this towards the elderly and now feel this for all people. Let your inner child jump with joy when he/she sees something beautiful, something intangible, something that can only be admired – a rainbow, the sun, sunflowers ... let your soul sing when you see this beauty, there you will find peace, in nature, in what I have created, so that you can live in the surroundings which is like heaven. And when your soul sings, it will allow your head to start thinking again because then it will start thinking properly. Many of you have calmed down already enough so that you are doing this. And if someone tries too hard, a headache can come as a warning before the stroke happens. That means, be careful, because you are not on the right path. Where have you lost your joy for living? When our soul, heart and body are in harmony, there is peace and perfection of acceptance, approval, longing for life which offers us infinite opportunities to rise and fall. You have fallen, let this be a thing of the past. Everything in nature, your life included, changes, everything that is a certain way today can be different tomorrow, be aware of this potential. Be aware of love which you can and must share and accept with responsibility but without compromises for all involved. Yes, a stroke is a serious disease, it leaves serious consequences but they can be mitigated. This means you can still be happy even if your head doesn't work 100 % . This is a miracle of nature, a miracle available to humans. Have hope, hope should always be within you, trust that you can deal with this, that you can love and give generously and you will feel the satisfaction of approval of the outer world, of people around you, which you need badly. And know that you should give first and it will come back to you in a hundredfold. Start today with a small favour to someone in your family, pay them some attention ... It is always them taking care of you, isn't it time for them to receive, too? Thank them, smile at them, don't be bad tempered. Change your day, this day, your tomorrow, change your life. It is never too late, until you are alive and small miracles do happen, sometimes even big ones. You are a miracle already, many of you are, because you survived. You were very very close to me but it wasn't your time yet. You still have a chance, you have been given an opportunity to understand life, your life, which you used to live differently before. Now you see it with different eyes, but do you understand it differently? Well, let me end. I love you as I love all people of this world. Only that you are a bigger hero because you have decided at the last moment – as many of you did – to try again. You returned in hope that you will now know how to deal with people, with family and, above all, without the material world that kept you chained when you were healthy. Materialism and attempts to prove yourself have been suffocating you. Now you got rid of those chains, so silence your head and listen to your heart. Your heart is the gold of your body. It is the most beautiful and important thing in your body, it often surpasses your head, so not all is lost. You have your heart, the incredible assistant in your life, it will show you the way. Listen to it, feel it! It is connected to your soul. Do you feel pleasant in your heart, do you feel the butterflies in your stomach, do you remember this feeling? Have you been in love? THIS IS IT! This is love, this is the way to go, sharing this feeling with someone. Know that it will be hard to be happy alone. Just as you weren't happy before the disease; maybe you thought that you were important because others praised you and that meant happiness for you. But have you ever had this feeling – how many times were you flooded by happiness? How often did your heart sing? Everything was too exhausting, calculated ... There was not enough time for all the beautiful things, there was a lack of patience for everything. Your children have been waiting for so long that they became adults. When did you look at them and tell them: I like this, I am so proud of you, you mean so much to me? When did you hug your child with all the love that you have – not often enough, too rarely ... Now you can do it, right? Continue doing it!
Patients with stroke consequences: Thank you, Creator, you took away my words. Yes, I know, it is true, I have lived a very (horrible) materialistic life. I cared too much about my career and not enough about people, about my family. I probably came to this earthly plain with another purpose, not to gather titles and prove to others how important I am. Although I still feel that I like being important. Is this normal?
Creator: No, no, the feeling of importance is there, so that the ego can understand (that's why it's importance is emphasized) that it has to cooperate with you and empower you, so that you will make proper decisions and that you will take care of your family. So that you are in the first place. Which is right because if you don't love yourself, you will not be able to love anyone. But when you exaggerate and believe that it is only you who is important, it is time to silence your ego. There is a very thin line and many people cross it. Well, almost all of them. But be careful that you don't go too far when you cross this line! Well, now it is really enough. Can I say goodbye? Do you have any other important questions for me?
Patients with stroke consequences: Well, you know, there is always something important. Everything in our lives seems to be important, you know us, that's what people are like. Maybe just tell me what I should do with this disease. Or what should I pay special attention to so that it doesn't repeat. Can I get rid of this fear, so that it does not repeat? Doctors say that it is very likely that it comes back after certain days, months, years.
Creator: Not really if you stick to my instructions and try to relax to such an extent that your life becomes beautiful, and of course, try not to think about this possibility, then another stroke will have no chance. It will certainly not revisit you, it has done its job with you as you are now in different vibrations where it does not exist. It's all about magnetism as I often told you, what you radiate, you attract ... and you attract love and goodness and the results are visible. It will all be well. Believe it! Tomorrow will be another wonderful new day, full of beautiful moments and successful agreements and reciprocal cooperation, all for the wellbeing of others. It all comes back ... how does that saying go: What you give, you will receive. J J Bye!
Patients with stroke consequences: Thank you Creator. I am speechless. I have quite a lot of work. This love of yours is quite a demanding process. I will have to learn a completely new way of communication. Before there were so many jerks in my life, well, now my world is already cleared to some extent. I know now that it is me who is changing. THANK YOU; I LOVE YOU, and I am grateful from the bottom of my heart.
Creator:Yes, I know. I love you, too.
Andreja: Thank you for all these words. Your goodness and patience are incredible. Thank you.
Creator: We know that this is right. Be like this to each other, all of you. In each one of you there's a part of me ... your good deeds. Thank you for this chat and kind greetings.