Andreja: “Hello, Creator. Am I disturbing you?”
Creator: “No, never. Tell me!”
Andreja: “Creator, today I would like you to tell all women who cannot conceive, why this is happening to them. I know that most women have a very strong maternity instinct and the need to have their own children. Such is their inner alignment, this is how nature created us, well, it is how you did it. Can they get in touch with you, please? Can you try to explain why this is happening to them and where they could look for solutions?”
Creator: “Yes, let them ask me directly.”
Women who can’t conceive or have children: “Hello, Creator. Well, Andreja has already asked you the most important thing. Why are you doing this to us? What are we doing wrong or are we even doing anything wrong? We just want to be mothers, so strongly and so sincerely. We live with a huge desire for motherhood. Is anything wrong with that? We don’t understand why we were created as women if we don’t all have equal possibilities. Why can’t we all be mothers? This hurts. IT HURTS A LOT! Why are you doing this to us? Why so much suffering when all we want is to give life to someone and love this being immensely? We don’t know what is bad about this. Are we really so bad that we don’t deserve this? Do you really hate us so much? We wouldn’t treat our enemies the way you treat us. Please, forgive us, but we have no more patience to beg. We are fed up with everything. Do you even know what you are causing and how much we suffer? Tell us if you have anything to say in your defense? You did try to create a world where there is justice, didn’t you? Why did you give us this incredible desire for children then? Why did you create us with such a paradox – with desire and powerlessness? Why are you torturing us? Well, we told you we can’t go on anymore, we can’t even argue any longer. Maybe some among us, who have just started this calvary, have more power. But we, who have been fighting this battle for years, can’t make it anymore. We are drowning in tears, pain and powerlessness. Really, what a “beautiful” life. And we only want to give love to our own children, infinite, graceful, benevolent love. You always talk about love. Something doesn’t match here. Why shouldn’t we, why can’t we share it?
Creator: “Well, what can I say to you? You shouted at me as you women really can. You manage this well. And, actually, I know that you are partly right, too. You are despaired and in despair people always look for someone to blame, someone to point a finger to. They never point at themselves. Who would judge themselves? I know, you wouldn’t either. You are only fighting for something you were created for. But believe me, not all of you are meant to be mothers. It is not your time yet. Of course, with some it would be possible or it will be possible, but the bodies of many of you cannot do this. But don’t misunderstand me. You would not give birth to a child that would add something to your life. I know it hurts and you would do anything. But this is not right. When your time comes and you relax, then this god’s gift will come. Everything in nature works this way. When the time is right. When you, your husband, family and other people are ready. With a desire which is too strong, you are stopping this process. Surrender to the situation you are in and accept life! And be grateful for each seed, even if it doesn’t anchor inside you. Be grateful that things in life are happening just the way they are, even if you are in the process of healing. This means that somebody is giving you an opportunity, hope and faith that you will make it. Don’t be angry! I know it is difficult. The overly strong desire is preventing you from finding your inner peace. A desire that is too strong is a blockage. Some of you have bodies which need to be prepared for pregnancy with an operation. This is not my fault but your choice, so that you would not get pregnant too early. You brought these blockages from previous lives because you feared unwanted pregnancy. And your subconscious still lives in fear that something out of your control will happen. You are very pedantic and everything must go according to plans. But life doesn’t work this way, even the fact that you can’t conceive teaches you that. Pay attention to little things in life, to small events. Feel them, admire them! Have you noticed that you don’t even notice the world around you? You are dealing with things that aren’t a part of your life yet. Be alert, live in the present, be only here, always. Are you living at all? Can a woman conceive tomorrow? No, this can only happen today, at this moment. Life is always just now, in the present. Calm down, and all of you who have been waiting for a child for a very long time, be patient. A child must come to you spontaneously, you cannot force his coming. Just as I can’t force summer to start in winter. Do you know how much damage I would cause to nature, animals and you? Everything has its timing, and so does your child. He, too, must decide to come to your family. But who would want to come to such a family, to a mother who is so nervous? And if you really can’t have your own children, believe me, that this is right, too. Everything has its reason. There are so many children in this world longing for love. Maybe it is your task to offer love to these children. They, too, will belong to you only, if you choose so. It is true that you are not a biological mother in such a case, but the feeling of helping a powerless child, even if he isn’t of your bloodline, is something supernatural. This is, as you say, feeling in other dimensions which cannot be described. Try it! But I know that you want your own child. Usually those, who already have their children, tend to adopt another child. Well, not all, but many of them. People who adopt a child are homosexual partners, especially men, also homosexual women who don’t choose to receive a sperm of another man. In short, there are many possibilities for children and you. But what matters to you is that the child is only yours. However, an adopted child will be only yours, too, and in God’s eyes you will be a great human being due to a child adoption. You will adopt one of my children, this is pure love.”
Women who cannot conceive: “Creator, stop chattering! You know well how much we desire our own child. How can we help ourselves? Yes, we are thinking about adoption but this is not a perfect compensation. We really, really want to have our own child. A fruit of our bodies. That’s why you created us. Why are you hindering us?”
Creator: “I am not hindering you, you are hindering yourselves. Relax and if you are meant to have a child and it is sensible for you to have it, then you will have it. Doctors often say that you can’t have children, but then a miracle happens, even after you go in despair. When you are desperate to such a degree that you stop thinking only about a child all the time. Calm down, relax and be happy about the life that you are living. If there was more happiness and joy in your life, a child would more likely find a nest in your body. You will say: “Why then does it find a nest in a body of a woman who was raped?” That is something else. These are karmic debts which refer to past lives. Yes, this is a big violation which they committed in a past life and they have to pay for it in this life with the same or similar experience. These are heroes, strong people who make contracts for such connections in the heavenly realm. All of you who are close to such people can learn a lot. It is not just about the person who is raped. Each “player”, participant in this experience, can learn a lot. You, too, can learn a lot from my stories. People on Earth always learn most from the worst trials. That’s what you are like, hard learners, you find it hard to learn from beautiful stories. All of you, women who can’t be mothers yet but would like to be, life is teaching you to surrender and trust the flow of life, and also your partner. Trust that he is the right one and will take care of a child. Your house is big enough and your surroundings are appropriate. Don’t worry too much and don’t have too many plans about something that hasn’t happened yet. You will say: “If we don’t plan, where will we find childcare?” But women, where did you lose your faith? You can’t force everything. Some of this is already in female nature. I created you this way, so that you can make the world “tick”, so you can build it and develop it so that it changes for the better and you with it. You feel all your emotions, much better than men, and you know when you have to stop. But only if you admit it and allow yourselves to understand this world. It is important that the material world doesn’t repress these feelings in you. It can be very aggressive, just as you can be towards those that surround you, and then everything just goes downhill and nothing unfolds the way you want to. Yes, a child is something wonderful. I know that your desire is huge and it will come true if your karmic obstacle is not too big. If you are meant to have a child and the only way to have it is with medical assistance, then accept it. Let yourself be operated on, let them help you as science and medicine exist so that you can cooperate with them. If you are not fertile in a certain period, this means it is not time yet for you to become a mother. Your desire wasn’t to have a child with someone “by accident”. You largely protected yourselves against that. You carried that fear from your previous life. However, if there is no medically explainable reason for your infertility, believe me that your desire is too strong, therefore life wants to and has to calm you down. For the upbringing of a child you must find inner peace and live in the present moment. Calm down! It is very simple, and only this way this gift will come to you. With your husband or partner, go for a walk to some water, into nature. This is the environment that will calm you down. Look into the water and surrender to its flow, empty your head. Just enjoy in silence. And if there’s a person who loves you beside you, then this is perfect. Repeat this, take time for each other. And not only when you have ovulation, when you need to cooperate according to medical advice. No. Let your relationship be supported by a firm commitment, respect and, above all, with the same desire for the coming child, so that you both look forward to it. Believing that the child is coming is very important. But there should be no fear about it. Fear kills faith and hopes, even if they are very strong. Be careful, hope is the last to die but when there is fear, it dies very soon. Dreams don’t have a chance to become true if you try to enforce them. Would you give something to someone who is forcing you to do it? Would you give it joyfully? You would give it if you had to give it, if the imposter had a gun in his hand. J It doesn’t work like that with me. You get it if you deserve it regarding your love, patience and alignment of your purpose and goals. What is your goal as regards your child? Do you know why he/she will come, why you will get him/her? Be careful, this is not your property as many parents imagine. No, a child is his own. A child is afraid of parents who are so intensely eager for his arrival and are trapped in their own desires, and don’t understand the child’s desire and choice of when he wants to come to them. Do you know that a child chooses his parents? You are only a field which is waiting for the right seed that will sprout and be a gift to someone. And it will sprout if the soil is receptive enough and ready for this seed. It doesn’t matter whose gift the sprouted seed will be, it will unconditionally be a gift to anyone who will take a fruit from this field. In such a world I am sending my children, and in such a way. A child will come with a purpose to improve the whole world, not just yours. He will come for all the people of this world, it will be one of the lights, one of the souls which will come to life to improve the world. And believe me, if you come to this world, you always come with good intentions. This changes only here on Earth and many forget their mission. Well, we went off the topic a bit. A child that is about to come is looking for peace above all, not a mother which forces him already in advance, that he must do something, that he must come to her. Yes, mothers, a child will come, get ready like a field and wait. When a child is ready, too, he will come. Your soil is your body and to make it ready and fertile as a field, you have to be gentle, desirable, beautiful. Just as for the outside world. When people really love you, when they believe you, when other people start liking you, not because you are persistent and you so want to have children, but because you are such pleasant beings, the child will come to you and it will joyfully nest inside you. But until you are nervous wrecks, this will be very difficult. This is not fertile soil for a child. So, be careful, moms. Yes, it is ok that you are healing yourselves and fighting as this is somehow the way you live. Your desire is showing you the way, the things that you want in life, and that is right. But don’t let this be the main guidance of your life. Of course, you can do everything to become a mom, I understand you, but first you need to calm down. Go out, relax, have fun, be where there are fruits, in autumn gather fruits and give thanks to nature for awarding you so abundantly and for sharing its fruits, without compromises or afterthoughts, with all who allow receiving them. This is goodness. Such great goodness brings fruits, regardless of who will allow these gifts of nature to be received. In short, women who are not fertile are not doing anything wrong. There are some of you who will never have children. This was your decision already before birth. Don’t devote your life to something that doesn’t exist for you. I know, it is sad and difficult, but this is your life path. Believe me, it can be beautiful for you, too, other things are meant for you. You will be able to give more to this world if you don’t have your own children. Don’t lose yourselves searching for something that you are not meant to have. Don’t become a captive of the chains you put on you by yourselves. Believe me, it is important for you to understand that you are powerful and that you respect nature, her cycles, her laws, and redirect your life. You are very capable, you are different from others, very generous, so why would you make only your own children happy if you can do so much for the whole world? Open your eyes! Your mission is huge and your life will be perfect when you understand this. It is hard for me to give one answer for all of you because you are too different and with different problems but generally it is as I have written here. Thank you for listening to me and I hope you understand.”
Women who can’t conceive: “Wait a second, what do you mean by thank you for listening and understanding? Should we just surrender without fight, without many of our attempts? What if our bodies can make it anyway?”
Creator: “No, of course not. I told you that science has its purpose. It brings you together and you all work in this direction for all others. All work that is done for others, what doctors are doing, is nice and appropriate. But don’t forget. It can happen to you 10 times, 20 times or never, too. The sooner you calm down, the sooner it will happen. To many of you, quite possibly, without medical help. If you are healthy and can’t conceive without any evident reason, know that your soul has to reprogram you. An overly strong desire for a child paralyses you, and in such energy it can’t be manifested. Calm down, so that your body stops being stressed, have fun and, above all, be at peace with people that you love and trust. Don’t be angry with doctors, neighbors and who knows who else, even a village dog gets on your nerves. If someone shows you a finger, you feel like crying. This is not a fertile soil, in such a state your body isn’t suitable for a child to nest inside it. A child is afraid, just as you are. You are afraid that he will not come, and he’s afraid that he would not be able to make it. Even if he comes, he doesn’t know how you will behave later. He knows you will be happy, but frequency in space doesn’t work like that, it backs away from something that doesn’t attract it. The sooner you get into the right alignment, the sooner your happiness will be perfect. Yes, the child, too, needs your inner peace, so that he feels safe with you.”
Women who can’t conceive: “What about women who are beaten and live in fear for their lives and a child still finds a nest inside them?”
Creator: “Yes, I know you find this strange, but know that these women need love and when something is growing inside them, this empowers them, so that they might still see some meaning in life. Yes, a child comes to rescue the parents. Now you will say: “What about women who are drug addicts, why can they conceive?” Yes, it’s ridiculous, but these women are very relaxed in some period of their lives. This relaxation, these vibrations are magnetic. I know, it’s silly that they can fool nature, but the feeling is real and the law of nature works this way, even if you find it strange. I’m not saying you should “get stoned”, but do get relaxed. Be in peace and trust and believe that your body can do this. Everything works just in the opposite way if you are restless and in fear. Even if you conceive, there is so much fear in your subconscious that the fetus can’t stand it. Believe in your body, in your fetus, in your child. Faith, hope, peace and love overcome all obstacles. Be happy and you will witness a miracle. I love you.”
Women who can’t conceive: “Yes, thank you, Creator. You told us many things. We will try to live this way. Basically, we know these things but we no longer have the strength to be fine, peaceful and happy as we go through all this healing. Sometimes we feel we can’t go on any more.”
Creator: “Yes, I know, pray and get busy with some other work. Don’t think about your child all the time. Invite him to you and be happy knowing that your invitation will be received. This is as if you invited someone and then don’t open the door to him. He would enter if the door was open, but it is closed because you are blocking the manifestation of your desire with your emotions. Open the door and wait for his arrival with a smile. This is also how I am going to say goodbye to you today. I love you.”
Women who can’t conceive: “Thank you, Creator. Our desire is really huge, therefore we will try and keep changing ourselves. We understood that a lot depends on us, not just on medicine, partners and all those who don’t understand us.”
Creator: “Yes, exactly.”
Andreja: “Thank you, Creator. I love you.”
Creator: “I love you, too, and I love all mothers and their husbands who invest their faith in this little miracle. A child.”
Andreja: “Thank you, really.”