One day we all say goodbye
One day we all say goodbye to earthly life. Each one of us does it in our own way. You can mature and leave in the old age or you die because of an illness or a sudden death from an accident redeems you from this world. The last case is “the best: one moment you are here, the next you are gone”, so there is no recipe or cure for death.
I have lived through five years of remission after the lung cancer treatment now. For medical science this is a success but for me….?? One day you are an optimist and the next hour you can already feel totally low. Because you are never the same as you were before the disease. You need quite some time to accept that you have physical restrictions even if they are not visible outwardly. But when you accept the fact that we are here for just a short time, everything becomes easier.
I think everyone, not just me, is afraid of the unknown and of physical pain. That’s why, generally, quite many people also try alternative methods of healing. These may be helpful or not. Doctors, however, are irritated if you mention any alternative treatment. Not all of them, but in my experience most doctors are irritated. And so the system somehow sucks you in and you have to go with the flow because doctors set the rules even if it takes a year or more until they give you the right diagnosis and you are accused of “simulating” and are sent back to work. The biggest joke is that they have given me two totally different diagnoses within a year and a half. If I had accepted them, I would no longer be around here. I know that doctors are only humans, too.
And when you go through all this you start asking yourself: Who really manages our lives? Is it really us? Are we really living in accordance with the plan of higher Divine energy? Is it true that our life path is approximately determined at birth? Did we come to correct “silly deeds” from past lives? Did we come here to train our souls for higher goals on the other side? Who could know it? We will learn about it when we say goodbye and cross the line of this present earthly life. That’s why I no longer fear death and other trials here and now.
~ Breda